Fire Prevention Week – Cooking Safety Starts With You!

This year’s Fire Prevention Week takes place between October 8th and 14th. The theme for this year is “Cooking safety starts with YOU. Pay attention to fire prevention™,” with a focus on educating everyone about the importance of safe and simple cooking practices that can help to keep you and those around you safe when cooking.

As Thanksgiving occurs during this week, and many will be gathering with friends and family while cooking and baking, this message is made even more relevant! If you’re cooking or baking this coming weekend, or any time, make sure you’re not getting distracted by others or leaving the kitchen unattended. If you’re visiting, make sure you’re not the one doing the distracting! Remember, the best recipes for a great Thanksgiving dinner do not contain accidental kitchen fires.

Learn how a few simple safety tips can protect you and your family from a potentially devastating home fire. Courtesy of the NFPA

For more information and tips, check out our Cooking Safety page. You can also check out the NFPA’s website for more activities and information!